You can automate the login process by using a Registry entry.
- Open the Registry Editor by opening ‘Start | Run’, enter ‘regedit’ and click ‘OK’.
- Now, navigate to the ‘HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ Software \Microsoft\WindowsNT\ CurrentVersion\Winlogon’.
- Open the entry ‘AltDefaultUserName’ and as the value, enter the name of the desired user account that needs to login automatically.
- Now click on ‘Edit | New | Character String’ and create the entry ‘AutoAdminLogon’.
- Double-click on it and set the ‘Value’ to ‘1’. Subsequently, create the character string ‘DefaultPassword’ and as the ‘Value’, assign the password of the user account.
- Attention: If other people have access to your computer, the automatic login is a security risk.
- So, you should use the function only for as long as required and then deactivate it by setting the value to ‘0’.
- If while booting the system, you keep the space key pressed, Windows ignores the automatic login and you can login to another account.
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