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Automatic system log-in for users and faster booting Windows XP

Posted By On 4:49 AM Under
As soon as several user accounts are created with passwords, Windows wants a password for the booting process. That is annoying, especially when you wish to use the system for test purposes multiple times consecutively with the same user account.

You can automate the login process by using a Registry entry.

  • Open the Registry Editor by opening ‘Start | Run’, enter ‘regedit’ and click ‘OK’.
  • Now, navigate to the ‘HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ Software \Microsoft\WindowsNT\ CurrentVersion\Winlogon’.
  • Open the entry ‘AltDefaultUserName’ and as the value, enter the name of the desired user account that needs to login automatically.
  • Now click on ‘Edit | New | Character String’ and create the entry ‘AutoAdminLogon’.
  • Double-click on it and set the ‘Value’ to ‘1’. Subsequently, create the character string ‘DefaultPassword’ and as the ‘Value’, assign the password of the user account.
  • Attention: If other people have access to your computer, the automatic login is a security risk.
  • So, you should use the function only for as long as required and then deactivate it by setting the value to ‘0’.
  • If while booting the system, you keep the space key pressed, Windows ignores the automatic login and you can login to another account.