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Sharing and sending files

Posted By On 10:38 AM Under
Improving broadband speeds and the proliferation of digital media fi les have resulted in a surge of popularity for free fi le hosting sites, the most famous of which is Here, every user can put upload relatively large fi les free of cost and send links to friends. They can then download the fi les as often as they like, and the traffi c doesn’t cost anything either. For extremely large fi les, you can easily create split archives with utilities such as WinRAR, which you can then put upload in parts.
There is nothing worrisome or illegal about that. However, many users misuse such services by putting copyrighted movies and music on the web to share with others. Only those who know the links can download the fi les but several forums and search engines exist to aid the process of discovering illegal material. You will get in trouble for misusing such services and contributing to piracy even if you think you are cleverly getting content for free.