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Convert FAT32 partitions to NTFS even after a Windows upgrade is done File Systems

Posted By On 6:49 AM Under ,
While trying to upgrade Windows from a previous version, if at all you skipped the file system conversion process, you can convert a FAT volume to NTFS at any point after installation.

Windows has a built in command line tool called ‘convert.exe’. To convert a partition from FAT32 to NTFS make sure you first create a backup of your data before you start. Now, click ‘Start | Programs | Accessories | Command Prompt’. At the command prompt type ‘Convert’ followed by the drive letter and then the file system type that you want to convert to. For instance, if partition ‘D’ (FAT32) needs to be changed to an NTFS file system, the command used would be ‘convert d:\ /fs:ntfs’. The duration of this process will depend on the size of your hard drive or partition. Please note, drives once converted to NTFS cannot be converted back to FAT32.